What are the symptoms of heart failure?

Despite the name, heart failure does not mean the heart has failed completely. Instead, it means the heart isn't pumping efficiently enough to meet the body's need for blood. When the body first detects that it's not getting an adequate blood supply, it tries to compensate. Stress hormones rise, pushing the heart to beat faster and harder. Blood vessels narrow in an effort to keep blood pressure stable. To keep blood flowing to the heart and brain, the body diverts blood away from less important tissues. The body also retains sodium and fluid in an attempt to supplement the volume of circulating blood. In the short run, these fixes enable the heart to deliver a near-normal level of blood to the tissues. But over time, these compensatory measures can't keep up, and the heart weakens further. Heart failure symptoms: More than "just getting old" Heart failure causes two major problems for the body: (1) the tissues and organs don't get enough ox...