World Sickle Cell Day 2022: What You Need To Know - Nurse Abdullahi MUSA

World sickle cell day was enacted by the United Nations to be celebrated on 19 June each year with the aim of creating awareness of sickle cell disease, its prevention, and the challenges faced by sickle cell disease patients. Often people are getting married but genotype testing and premarital screening seem to be neglected and dodged by numerous intended couples although, through genotype testing and premarital screening actual genotype status can be revealed so that you can know the right partner for marriage best on genotype status. Knowing this, why do you subject yourself to a risky life in favor of love without taking into consideration the consequences that may come up when your genotype and that of your partner remain unknown to both of you? For you to have a single sickle cell disease child in the family is a great challenge to the child and also to the family economically and otherwise, but this can be addressed by encouraging genotype testing before marriage and ...