4 Standing Move for a Super-Flat Stomach
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Say No To Tobacco - WHO
Today is World No Tobacco Day. Facts: Tobacco KILLS 1 person every 4 seconds ? There are much greater things in life to take your breath away! "Say #NoTobacco! ðŸš" Fact: Tobacco KILLS 8 million people each year. This includes 1 MILLION deaths from second-hand smoking exposure. Today and every day, don't let tobacco take your breath away! Fact: Tobacco smokers are up to 22 times more likely to develop lung cancer in their lifetime, compared to non-smokers. Fact: 1 in 5 tobacco smokers will develop chronic bronchitis and/or emphysema in their lifetime, resulting in agonizing breathing difficulties. Fact: Children who breathe second-hand smoke are more likely to develop #asthma and experience frequent and more severe asthma attacks. Fact: Exposure to tobacco smoking impacts greatly on the lung health of people around the world, including: 1. Lung cancer 2. Chronic respiratory disease 3. Across the life-course 4. Tuberculosis 5. Air pollution Fact: ...
#Education: LAUTECH Upgrades Nursing Department to Faculty of Nursing Sciences
Nigeria - The growth of nursing profession in Nigeria is considered "slow as snail" yet its moving up the ladder. Nursing is one of the fastest growing profession in the world. Another giant stride for nursing profession in Nigeria has been achieved. Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, (LAUTECH) Ogbomoso, Oyo State recently upgraded its Nursing Department to a full fledged Faculty of Nursing. This is the first faculty of Nursing in a State University in Nigeria. Professor B.L. Ajibade, has been confirmed the Acting Dean of Faculty of Nursing, LAUTECH. He's an erudite scholar, a seasoned administrator, a loving mentor, a professional nurse per excellence, an experienced academician, and a dynamic nursing achiever. Adams Health Blog wishes Professor a successful tenure in sound health and admonishes never relent in efforts until nursing of desired is attained. Congratulations Professor B.L. Ajibade Congratulations Nursing Community LAUTECH Congratulati...
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