SDA HOSPITAL : 2017 Training Schedule for ACLS and BLS.

SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST HOSPITAL,                                ILE-IFE,                                +234-8117999633

2017 Training Schedule for ACLS and BLS.
Venue: Seventh day Adventist Hospital, American Heart Association
Training Centre(AHA), Ile- Ife, Osun- State.

1) BLS March 6 ACLS March 7-8

2) BLS May 29 ACLS May 30-31

3) BLS July 24 ACLS July 25-26

4)BLS Sept. 25 ACLS Sept. 26-27

5) BLS Dec. 4 ACLS Dec. 5-6

BLS : A day training
Course Fee: BLS: #25,000
ACLS: 2 days
Course Fee: #70,000
P.S. Course fee covers AHA designed training manual and AHA course completion Certificate.


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