Training of Desk Officers on Processes of Nursing and Midwifery Web-Based Portal

Training of Desk Officers on Processes of Nursing and Midwifery Web-Based Portal

The Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria is organizing a two-day training  program on the processes/operations of the Council’s web-based portal for FOCAL Persons/Desk Officers of Nursing and Midwifery Institutions and Hospitals in Nigeria. This is to update the knowledge of the School’s Desk officers and train the desk officers in clinical areas on some of the Council’s services that will be done online. These services include; Indexing, Examination applications, Registration, Professional Update Form (PUF) as well as payment on remita platform.

In view of this, you are to nominate and sponsor 2 officers, which are Nurses as a focal person/Desk Officer from your institution to a two-day training program on the operations of the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria web-based portals. The officers nominated must be computer literate
The training for all the nominated desk officers is scheduled as follows:

1.   South-West: School of Nursing, UCH Ibadan, Oyo State. 25th-28th September, 2017
2.   South-East Zone: School of Nursing, UNTH, Enugu, Enugu State 25th-28th September, 2017
3.   South-South Zone: School of Midwifery, Portharcourt, Rivers State 20th-23th September, 2017
4.   North-West Zone: School of Nursing, Gusau, Zamfara State 20th-23th September, 2017
5.   North East/Central Zones: School of Nursing, ATBUTH Bauchi 17th-20th September, 2017
Time: 8am- 5pm Daily

Training Fees:  10,000 Naira Only payable into Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria Account through remita. Please Note that only payment teller is to be presented at the venue

Sponsorship: All participants are to be fully sponsored by their respective institution to cover transportation, accommodation and feeding for the duration of the program.

NB: Note that the training is MANDATORY. Also Heads of Institutions (i.e Principals, HODs and Coordinators) are not to be the Focal Persons/Desk Officers. All the Desk Officers attending are to come with their laptop computers with internet connectivity. Arrival and departure are a day before and after the training date respectively.

For further enquiry please contact Mr Olaniyi A Filade on 08091026579 or Mr Timbuak Yamai on 08061616404 (9am-4pm Monday-Friday).
Please note that Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria will not repeat this training program for any institution that is absent.

Thank for your usual cooperation in promoting and maintaining excellence in Nursing Education and Practice in Nigeria.

Alh. Faruk Umar Abubakar

To Director of Nursing Service Ministry of Health, All States and FCT
Director of Nursing Hospitals Management Board, All States and FCT
Principals Schools of Nursing and Midwifery
Coordinators Post Basic Nursing Programs
Heads of Department Department of Nursing
Heads of Nursing Department Teaching Hospitals, Specialist Hospitals and Federal Medical Centres


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