#STRIKEUPDATE : Communique at the End of the Meeting Between the Federal Government and JOHESU

Communique issued at the End of the Meeting held Between the Federal Government and JOHESU at the Conference room of the Hon Minister of Labour and Employment on 30th September 2017
The Joint Health Sector Unions and the federal government held a follow up meeting in the conference room of the Hon. Minister of Labour and Employment in Abuja on Saturday 30th September 2017 to further consider the demands of the unions which led to the strike action embarked upon by JOHESU
According to reports,  the communique continues; Present at the meeting were the Hon. Minister of state for labour and employment, the permanent secretary, FMOH, the chairman, National salaries, incomes and wages commission, Representative of the Head of civil service of the federation and other relevant government functionaries

At the end of the meeting, the following resolutions were reached. 
1. Internship Training

 It was agreed that the Federal Ministry of Health will meet with the various regulatory bodies within two weeks with a view to work out the modalities for the central placement of other professionals. 

A circular for the implementation of the appointment of the Nurses interns will be released within one week. 
2. The Upward Adjustment of CONHE55 Salary Scale 
After exhaustive deliberations and thorough examination of the processes that are involved in the computation and approval of the upward review of the CONHESS, it was agreed that Federal Government be given 5 weeks within which to release implementation circular on the subject matter. 
3. Skipping of CONHESS 10 

The meeting resolved that a circular will be written to all health institutions to start implementing the skipping of CONHESS 10 where the implementation has not commenced. 
JOHESU is expected to partner with the Government to provide the list of the institutions that have either not started or have not paid the arrears within one week. 
We therefore, call on all our members to make immediate submission through their respective unions to JOHESU Secretariat for compilation and onward submission to the FMoH. 

4 Promotion Arrears 

It was noted that the Government has started payment of promotion arrears to beneficiaries in various institutions. We hereby call on our members to report the status of payments in their health institutions to their various parent unions for collation and necessary follow-up. 
5. Employment 

The Federal Government agreed to make employment in areas of critical manpower shortage. 
6. Enhanced Entry Point for Radiographers and Medical Laboratory Scientists
It was resolved that the matter be treated holistically to cater for all the cadres within JOHESU membership. On this matter, JOHESU is to meet with the FMoH and NSIWC within one week. 
7 Appointment of CMDs/MDs of Tertiary Hospitals in Accordance wit Extant Laws. 

The Federal Government agreed that the CMOs and Mbs appointme should be in line with extant Acts of the hospitals and where this violated, JOHESU should call the attention of the Government witi view to doing the right thing. 
8. Headship of Departments 

It was agreed that this matter should be noted by the Federal Ministry of health and given necessary consideration since the matter is subject to evolve and quite elastic and change is a constant factor. 
9. Specialist Allowance 

A 5man committee including embers of JOHESU hall be took into this matter including the allegation of illegal virement of money meant for payment of the allowaang
10. Board Appointment 

In view of the importance of Boards of Management in the proper running of Federal Health Institutions, it was agreed that boards of FHI should be constituted without further delay. 
11. Public be Partnership (PPP) 

It was concluded that relevant ON holders should be involved in the process and there should be transparency among the stake holders. Any PPP arrangement that will further impoverish Nigerians is unacceptable 
12. Some Scale Promotion 

There should be no 'Same Scale' promotion in accordance with Public Service Rules. A circular to that effect will be issued within one week. 
13. FMC Owerri 

The Federal Ministry of Health shall conduct promotion interview for the affected staff as soon as possible, while payment of withheld salary will be discussed between the Federal Ministry of Health and unions in JOHESU
14. Review of Retirement Age from 60yrs - 65yrs for Tertiary Health Sector as done for Tertiary Education Sector

The Federal Ministry of Health will submit a well articulated proposal to the National Council on Establishment with special emphasis that the review is meant for Tertiary Health Institutions. 
Additional Demands 

These will be considered by a special standing committee to be set up by the Federal Government. 
a. The FMoH should ensure that the OHCSF circularizes the amended Scheme of Service for Nurses and other professionals within one(1) week 
b. Teaching Allowances for Nurses and health workers from CONHESS 7 and above taking teaching duties.
c. Shortfall of Call Duty Allowances as per last review of call duty allowances for Nurses and other health workers taking call duties' 
d, The FMOH to assist JOHESU to look into the issue of the establishment of Regulatory Councils for Dieticians, Medical Social Workers and Clinical Psychologist. 
e. Review of job specific allowances for health institutions on CONRAISS 
f. Abolition of DCMAC and Deputy Head of Clinical Services. 
g. Brutaility of our members at Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital, Edo State. 
h. The report of the harassment and physical assault on our members has been verified and JOHESU demands the immediate sack of the CMAC in accordance with the Public Service Rules as it amounts to serious misconduct. 
i. implementation of CONHESS Salary Scale at Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN) 
Finally, it was agreed that no member of JOHESU will be directly or indirectly victimized for participating in the strike when suspended. 
Consequently, the organs of the various unions in JOHESU are expected to hold a special meeting on or before Tuesday, the 3rd of October, 2017 with a view to bringing the content of the Memorandum of Terms of settlement to the notice of their members for the suspension of the strike action. 
JOHESU Leadership hereby expresses her profound appreciation to all our members Nationwide for their overwhelming and unflinching support during the period of the strike 
Aluta continua
Com. Biobelemoye Joy Josiah National Chairman, JOHESU
Com. Ekpebor Florence National Secretary, JOHESU


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