Good evening dear professional colleagues, here is a fraternal greetings from the NANNM presidential  desk. I appreciate your unflinching support always and wish to intimate you with the update and terms of settlement of the ongoing industrial action.

 I wish to reassure every Nigerian nurse that the struggle has just started and we will not relent until when our privileges are taken without stress and our hard earned rights are not tampered with in whatever form. Struggle continues and when ever you are called upon do not relent, as there is power in unity of purpose. The battle is yet to be worn totally.            
We are equally not unaware of the cacophony of self destruction rolled out by the only disgruntled group of people that is holding the progress of Nigerian health sector down. We shall break their alibi and ride on to glory.  There will be adequate responses to their unguarded talk at appropriate time and through appropriate medium. Even though you might have seen the out come as epitomised in the agreement and released circulars, peruse the following summaries of the terms of settlement.

The following items were agreed upon:

1. *Internship* - FMoH to issue circular on nurses internship. The FMoH will conclude ongoing meeting with regulatory bodies to aid collation of data of total interns produced annually for the purpose of presenting second memo to FEC on central placement of all cadres of interns in line with how it is to be commenced for house officers.                                  

2. *CONHESS salary review* --- The sitting agreed to the request of JOHESU to adjust CONHESS salary structure upward.  The need to recompute the cost implications of the salary adjustment was taken into consideration. In view of this the govt pleaded to do everything in terms of computation and seeking of presidential approval in 5 weeks.              

3). *Skipping of CONHESS 10*
Enabling circular to be issued to counter the one of non-skipping in one week. There is an agreement that within one week the govt will need to receive the list of institutions where skipping is not allowed and secondly where arrears of skipping have not been paid, such data should be sent to FMoH and payment of the financial differential to follow after the list has been compiled. This is irrespective of the FMoH court process against skipping, pending determination of substantive suit.                    

4.) *Payment of promotion arrears* -  the govt showed evidence of commencing the payment, this was confirmed from some institutions, while those that have not been paid was authenticated as confirmed by the officer from PICA representing the  AGoF.        

5). *Same scale promotion/redesignation* -  The committee condemned same scale or titular promotion without advancement nor financial benefit as was then no promotion at all, and the committee directed FMOH to write a circular to all institutions to abolish further promoting people without advancement.  

6.) *Employment* : The shortage of manpower at our various institutions was observed especially in the critical need areas of the core professional, while some hospitals are overstaffed in ancillary personnel. The govt and various institutions were directed to prioritise employment in the critical professional areas. Particularly since govt have regularly employed resident doctors, other core professional should be employed to boost human resources development for health.      

 7). *Enhanced Entry Point*: This was initially requested for Radiographers and MLS based on enabling circular from OHCSOF, the agreement is that this should be done holistically, to accommodate all other graduates of other health care professionals, Nursing inclusive, as members of JOHESU family.

8) *Appointment of CMD/MD* - Federal govt will henceforth do advertisements in accordance with the law that establishes the health institutions without prejudice to any particular profession.

 9). *Heads of Department* : It was decided that Universities of  teaching hospitals cannot be separated from their teaching hospitals, yet the FMOH was directed to always accommodate the necessity of change in policy and guidelines as no policy should be seen as sacrosanct.                      

10). *Specialist Allowance* - The FMoH is to enlarge the 3 man committee that is considering the eligibility for specialist allowance to accommodate 2 members of JOHESU.        

11):. *Board Appointment to our Institutions* : The final approval is being awaited from The President. HMoH should put more pressure to ensure board appointment.                            

12). *PPP* - If Public Private Partnership is inevitable it must not be any measure to impoverish Nigerians and send workers out of the job. All stakeholders must be mobilized and involved in planning and execution of the program.                            

13.) *Anti corruption struggle at FMC Owerri* - Those that are being punished as a result of strike action at FMC Owerri to be promoted to level up with their counterparts. The FMoH and Labour agreed to take up the issue of withheld salary  to be discussed and settled internally.                                  

14). *Retirement age from 60 - 65 in FHI as done for counterpart in the Education Sector* : The agreement directed JOHESU to collaborate with FMoH to represent an adjusted memo at the next NCE.      

15). *Additional Demands*
 a. Circularization of Unified Scheme of Service for nurses. The FMoH of health to interface with HCSOF to issue service wide circular on the newly approved Scheme of service for nurses.                   b. Payment of Teaching allowance for the deserving officers in nursing cadre and other professionals.                      
c. Reviewed call duty allowances arrears for nurses on call duty.
All items in number 15 are to be urgently prosecuted by a standing committee of FMOH which will include JOHESU members.

16). All court judgements should be honored.            

Finally the agreement considered and ratified no victimization clause when the strike action is suspended.

*Thank you once again great colleagues.*


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