#STRIKEUPDATE: JOHESU Awaits Health Minister's Signature to Suspend Strike

Health workers on strike may be waiting for the Minister of Health, Prof. Isaac Adewole to sign the memorandum of settlement entered into on Saturday, between the Federal Government and the leadership of the Joint Health Sector Unions before asking their members to suspend action and return to work.

The leadership of the striking workers had told reporters after their meeting with the government on Saturday night that they were suspending their strike action in principle, pending the outcome of the meeting of their National Executive Council scheduled to hold tomorrow.

However, Chairman of JOHESU Biobelomoye Joy Josiah told a news conference yesterday that they were suspending the strike action in principle because “there are certain things we expect the government to do between now and Tuesday and once that is done, the strike will be officially called off and our members will be directed to resume work immediately”.

Although Josiah did not mention what they expect the government to do, The Nation was informed by sources at the meeting that the workers are afraid that if the Minister of Health failed to sign the agreement, it may become invalid and not implementable.

Source : The Nation Newspaper


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