#STRIKEUPDATE :The Nigeria Society Of Physiotherapy supports continuity in strike

The President/Sec. NUAHP/AHPA.                      
First we wish to commend the leaderships of NUAHP/AHPA and JOHESU for being able to  unite strongly in taking the  present decision. Thank you so much. 
Having commenced this action, it is our suggestion that the strike should not be suspended until reasonable successes culminating in d issuance of circulars and getting alerts over such issues such as skipping,promotion arrears, etc. As Physiotherapists we are at par with medical practitioners in all respects yet, the government treats them as if they are special beings. We want this discrimination to stop henceforth.  
We  strongly appeal to you as follows: 
1) Centralised Internship : A circular giving immediate approval and instant implementation is requited.  
2) Consultancy status and specialist allowance to be paid now, The idea of setting up a committee is a delay tactics therefore discourage it but if impossible, set a time line within a week. 
3) Ministers of  health appointment. We disagree with two ministers being medical practitioners. We demand one from JOHESU family.
4) Yayale Ahmed committee already recommended the  creation of Department of Medical Rehabilitation  in the FMOH,we demand its immediate implementation now. Note a similar thing was recommended for Nursing. Let us fight to get these and demand for others too. 
5) CMD/MD appointment:  This strike must settle the issue once and for all,please  demand for the definition of Medically Qualified person. It does not refer to medical practitioners only but all medical professionals. 
6) Residency training program. A circular should be issued approving it in principle while guidelines for implementation put in place. 
7) Adjusted CONHESS. To be computerised within a week and approved by president while an enabling circular is issued immediately. At least two months arrears  should be paid from January 2014.
8) Headship of Department's in Teaching hospitals ; Only full time hospital based professionals should be heads if departments in hospitals NOT university staff  
9) Departmental autonomy. No other profession should head a department of other professionals. A circular to be issued on this.
10) Post of DCMAC to be made open to non medical practitioners.   
In conclusion, we of the NSP, give unflinching support to NUAHP/AHPA/JOHESU struggles. We urge all our members nationwide to stand firm behind the union leaders to achieve freedom for the oppressed and marginalised professionals and other health workers. We agree with the opinions expressed by  many others on all other issues. 
Thank you
Dr Rufai Ahmad
President, Nigeria Society of Physiotherapists


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