Carrot is a widely available vegetable worldwide, it can be consumed in various ways. You can eat it as fresh as it is after rinsing, it can be blended or grated and taken as juice. Some sliced and cooked it in food such as rice (fried rice, jollof rice), pie (meat pie, fish pie). Some used it in making salad, soup and cake.

There are numerous health benefits of carrots. You can read a lot of health benefits articles of carrot on google search engine as well some scientific research-based papers on google. I will just highlight few health benefits, carrot contains anti-cancerous substances, it prevents cardiovascular disorder, it maintains healthy skin conditions, it boosts body antigen to attack invasion of foreign organism, and it assists in detoxifying the body and enhance good vision.

A great value of carrot which has not attracted a lot of write up nor discussions is what I want to explain to you. Kindly follow me up as I give you another great advantage of carrot in your household. It has been tested, observed and discovered to have rapid healing of minor cuts. Guess what? After healing it leaves no scar, if at all, it’s really small. There are various synthetic and natural carrot oil products in the market and supermarket used as body cream.  Carrot seed oil is another type which is often used as body cream or cooking oil.

Do you know you can make carrot oil yourself? Its stress-free, do you want to make an attempt? Ok, I will explain in detail. Home accidents is a recurrent issues can seems never avoidable. Active kids cannot escape accidents in school, playground, home etc. these accidents are minor causing bruises, scratch, minor skin cut, contusion, laceration etc. Most times when these accidents occurred we are perturbed and can’t figure out what to do. This product is answer to it.

MATERIALS: Carrots, Grater, Blender, Empty Glass with cover, Vegetable Oil, Empty bowl, Sieve

  • §  Grate the carrots
  • §  Boil water
  • §  Pour grated carrots into a glass container with cover
  • §  Add vegetable oil till it soaked the grated carrots
  • §  Place the glass containing the grated carrots with oil inside the boil water for 10 minutes
  • §  Leave to cool
  • §  Pour the content into the blender, blend for 2 – 2.5 minutes
  • §  Sieve the content to remove the shaft
  • §  The carrot oil is made. ( the carrot used determined the colour of the product)

Whao! Just simple? Yes it’s very simple.

Just as I mentioned earlier. These recurrent home accidents can be treated with this product. Aside from been used as body cream, apply to the affected part, three times a day. Guess the outcome? It heals completely without scar, that’s the wonder of this product. I don’t want to go into its physiology, just understand it contains vitamin precursors for skin regeneration during a cut. Also the skin becomes radiant. Beside apply the cream to all forms of minor blemish acne such as pimples and nodules.

NOTE: this article does not represent medical treatment, and not a medical advice. Its in no way serve as medical consultations nor care. It’s just home remedies for superficial scratch and not deep wound. In case of severe injury, visit the nearest hospital.

For more enquiry, leave a message on the comment page and it will be attended to as soon as possible.

Thanks for your time.

                                                             Mrs Adams-Omolola 
                                                              Registered Midwife


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