#EbolaUpdate: No Confirmed Case of Ebola in Uganda

The Uganda Ministry of Health has confirmed there is no Ebola case in the country, contrary to wide speculation of the disease spread in the country. The press release was jointly released with the country WHO 28 November, 2018 at Kampala. Below is the Press Release

                          JOINT PRESS RELEASE

Following media stories on the alleged suspected Ebola death in kabarole District, the Ministry of Health together with the World Health Organization (WHO)  wish to update the public as follows:

1. On 26th November 2018, an alert case was received at Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital from Bundibugyo district.

2. The 38year old male alert case is one of the many alert cases received in different health facilities as a result of the heightened surveillance a long all  boarder districts.

3. Blood samples were taken off the suspect and sent to Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI)  for further analysis.

4. Results from the UVRI  indicate that the patient was negative by PCR for Ebola and other viral hemorrhagic fevers. The districts are aware of these results.

5. Any persons that present with any known symptoms of Ebola is taken on as an alert case until through lab investigations are done.

Currently, a number of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) preparatory activities are going on across all high risk districts and these include; coordination of activities; health facilities and community - based EVD surveillance, collection and testing of blood samples from alert cases, capacity building for Infection Prevention and Control, clinical management, psycho-social care and for safe and dignified burials. Risk communication, community engagement and cross-border surveillance are also going on in many districts.

In the same vein, a total of 1,316 front line and healthcare workers in three (3) districts have been vaccinated against EVD to protect these cadre of people against the deadly disease.

The Ministry of Health together with the WHO country office wish to reiterated that there is no confirmed case of Ebola Virus Disease in Uganda, and are working tirelessly to keep the country safe from the deadly disease


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