Investing in Primary Health care is a best means of Universal Health Coverage - WHO

It's Universal Health Coverage Day!

Universal Health Coverage means that ALL individuals & communities receive the health services they need without suffering financial hardship.

Universal Health Coverage includes the full spectrum of essential, quality health services:
🏥 Promotion
🏥 Prevention
🏥 Treatment
🏥 Rehabilitation
🏥 Palliative care

Universal health coverage is a political choice to strive for equity and justice in health. It means building health systems that put the poorest and most marginalized communities first, leaving no one behind.

Investing in strong #PrimaryHealthCare is one of the best ways to:
-Help people lead the healthiest lives possible
-If they get sick, provide the right care, at the right time, right in their communities.

As countries progress toward universal health coverage, more attention must be given to populations in fragile and conflict-affected settings, who are among the most vulnerable. We cannot leave anyone behind.

With strong political will, every country—rich or poor—can build strong, equitable health systems that leave no one behind.
It`s time for #HealthForAll

Strong health systems 🏥 are everybody’s business:

1⃣ Government

2⃣ Civil society

3⃣ Private sector

No matter what we do, we all have a role to play in improving access to and quality of health services, leaving no one behind.

For health systems to benefit everyone, we need to hear from everyone. Community participation can make or break universal health coverage reforms.

Even “small” out-of-pocket spending - at all income levels - can cause financial hardship.
Check here for data on coverage of essential health services and financial protection that are used to monitor progress toward #healthForAll

Lack of affordable and quality health care traps families and nations in poverty. Universal health coverage can ensure that no one has to choose between good health and other life necessities.

800+ million people spend at least 10% of their household budgets paying for health bills.
1 in 2 people do not have access to the essential health services they need.
We must hold leaders accountable for #HealthForAll.

Well-trained, well-paid #HealthWorkers women and men are the backbone of strong #PrimaryHealthCare and universal health coverage.
As sources of trusted care for millions of people, female and male voices and perspectives must be prioritized in the #HealthForAll movement.



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