Seek Genetic Counseling Before Relationship and Marriage - Nurse Ajetunmobi

Nigeria - "Doctor please do something, my daughter is always falling sick, to make it worse she's always complaining of joining pains, I mean excruciating pains"

"At first I thought it was malaria but at this point we need to do  a genotype test."

"Are you by any means suggesting that she's a sickler? Cos that's not possible, yes I am AS but my husband is AA, I insisted we did it during courtship", Tamuno explained with confidence.

"Well madam, the test results will confirm it,let's carry it out."

"Alright no harm in trying."

The blood sample was taken and Tamuno kept wondering what the problem could be. "My daughter can't be SS that doctor just wants to make money,but what could the problem be? Is it a spiritual attack? I am sure my step mum must be behind it, if the doctor can't see anything I will have to take her to the church". Tamuno said to herself.

"Mrs Bitrus"


"Can I see you in my office?"

"Sure , just a minute".

Tamuno went to the consulting room.

"Well the result is ready and it reveals that your daughter has sickle cell anemia".

"Doctor you are joking right?"

"Do I look like Akpors?"

"But it's not possible, how can she be SS?"

"Madam to clear your doubts, I will suggest you and your husband repeats the test."

"This doctor wants to make all the money he can today and unfortunately I am the victim. But come to think of it, it's not expensive, let me call my dear".

Tamuno explained everything to Dennis but he kicked against the idea. "That doctor doesn't know anything, I even heard it took him two decades to graduate from medical school. Look I don't have time for any test, let's pray for her, bring my daughter home please". Dennis pleaded.

"Oh it took him two decades yet it was you who brought her here, remember I was at work when you called me that you have brought her here, Dennis I am not bringing her home, come to the hospital for the test, my sample has been taken, you are the one delaying me".

Dennis reluctantly agreed and when the lab technician was about taking his sample, he asked him to stop.

"Take this". He gave him a huge amount of money.

"What's this for?" The confused technician enquired.

"I am speaking a standard language and you don't understand? Anyway don't bother pricking me, just get my results ready cos I am AA".

"Well that's a subjective data sir, I will give the objective one."

"Nigerians you speak English a lot yet you fail international English exams".

The doctor was on his way to the lab and as soon as he got close he heard the conversation between his staff and Mr Dennis, fortunately Tamuno was approaching and the doctor beckoned, he gave her the hush sign and she obeyed.

"Look I have been doing this for long even those who are in this profession before you were born can't refuse such offer, it will even ease your stress,  you don't have to prick me and risk contacting any disease, just write AA."

"Dennis cha! So this is what you have been doing? You are AS and you lied to me, why are you bent on ruining my life and you claim you love me." Tamuno burst in tears.

"It's not what you think I......"

"Will you shut up? Even at this point you are still lying". Tamuno said amidst tears.

"Madam calm down, it's not the end of the world you just have to give extra care to the girl. Mr Dennis please come to my office".

They both went to the consulting room. "Please tell me how it happened and why you did this?"

"See Tamuno was the most beautiful creature on campus, she was every man's dream I wanted her to be mine. Tamuno gave the genotype result as a condition for starting our relationship , according to her she ended her previous relationship. I love her a lot, I just wanted to be her man, I decided to pay a cleaner at the hospital to fill the form with a false result and destroy the real result."

"So you are AS"

"Yes". Dennis responded in shame.

"You should have thought about your future, are you happy seeing your daughter in pain?"


"But you should have thought of that."

Tamuno attempted to divorce Dennis but her family members and pastor advised her not to, the pretty woman tied her tubes afterwards, she already has two children.

June 19th is World Sickle Cell Day it's a United Nation’s recognised day to raise awareness of sickle cell.
According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Nigeria alone accounts for more than 100,000 births of Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) out of the 300,000 babies born yearly . Now that's a humongous amount, I urge Nigerians to kick it out by making wise genetic decision, seek genetic counseling before relationship  and marriage, don't let beauty or material things blind fold you, wake up to reality, the pain is hellish so don't bring more children to this world , let them see the colorful world and not just black and white.

As for those living with it please abide by the DOs and DON'Ts , keep to your appointment, avoid stress and extreme temperatures, avoid alcohol, tobacco and substance abuse, practice safe sex.

Believe me that abnormal cells can't stop you from living a normal life.

Its World Sickle Cell Day

Ajetunmobi Latifat
Aiyepe road, Sagamu, Ogun state.


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