Nigeria Nurses recognized at African Leading Women Awards

Nigeria - Nurse Vivian Akudo Nwogu, popularly known as The Alpha Nurse (@thealphanurse), is a Registered Nurse with a speciality training in Fertility Nursing. She's a media savvy, marriage and lifestyle blogger, an inventor of 7keema - a mobile application for nurses, and founder of Nurse Hub Africa. As much as she is a passionate nurse, her mission is to positively influence the wives and wives-to-be in stabilizing their relationships. Nurse Akudo Nwogu received a meritorious award for her passionate and selfless service towards women. The award was presented by African Leading Women Awards, 2019 edition. The reward is to encourage her to do more.

Meanwhile, another lady of virtue and humor was also awarded for her dedications and steadfastness in women affairs. Fadila Saleh Bade (a.k.a. Lady-bade) is a graduate, registered nurse. She's an activist and a public speaker. She's the founder of Let's Talk Nursing. She  also received a meritorious award at the just concluded 2019 Edition of African Leading Women Awards. Adams Health Blog extends congratulatory message to these two great nurses.


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