Weeding Examination is Illegal in Nursing and Midwifery training institutions in Nigeria.

The Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria has come out with clear term as its not in support of weeding examination in Nursing and Midwifery training institutions in Nigeria. The Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria advised the institutions not to admit beyond its quota.

The three months examination popularly known as PTS Examination, is done to weed away the so-called "weak students". Its common in schools of nursing and schools of Midwifery. Its a culture that has been practiced for over decades. Its also a control technique to abide with the quota of expected number of students awarded by NMCN.

The Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria received was petitioned, it was verified and conducted investigation into such practices and found it to be true. Hence, NMCN condemned such process clearly as stated below:
Subsequently, the Board of the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria as its 51st General Meeting held from 18th - 19th December, 2019 has approved the prohibition of any form of weeding examination in Nursing and Midwifery training institutions in Nigeria  with immediate effect dated this day, 23rd December, 2019.
Henceforth, institutions engaging themselves in weeding /illegal examination shall be liable to sanctions through withdrawal of their accreditation status.
Accordingly, the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria dissociates itself from weeding examination and the consequences that may arise from it shall be applied strictly.


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