Effect of Medication Errors and Adverse Drugs reactions on Pediatric Outpatients observed in Nigerian Tertiary Teaching Hospitals'' .

Good morning distinguished, please I need you to help me attend to this electronic questionnaire on the Adverse of Drug Reaction on children. This is mainly for academic purposes and your response will be treated as such. The respondents are pediatric doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. Kindly fill and submit. Your timely responses are required. God bless you.

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I am a Masters's Degree student of Pharmaceutical Business and Technology carrying out a study on the “Effect of Medication Errors and Adverse Drugs reactions on Pediatric Outpatients observed in Nigerian Tertiary Teaching Hospitals''. Kindly give your honest responses to the questions contained in this questionnaire. Information supplied will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and used strictly for academic purposes. Thanks for your anticipated cooperation. 




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