The body now known and called Nursing Ambassadors of Nigeria (NAON) was a brain child of a few Nurses like Nrs. Onoitem David, Nrs. Anietie Adams, Nrs. Nseobong Uloh, Nrs. Ufonime Ibanga, Nrs. Udoma Nelson, Nrs. Edidiong Ekure, Nrs. Beatrice Okposin, Nrs. Roseline Enang, Nrs. Kufre Usen, Nrs. Stacy Udoh, Nrs. Emem David, Nrs. Ofonime Akan, Nrs. Aniefiok Emek, Nrs. UduakAbasi Umoh, Nrs. Uduak Ndem, and others too numerous to mention, when had the mindset and mandate of re branding the image of our dear Nursing profession. In 2017, this vision came into limelight as 2014/2015 Nurses Forum, Akwa Ibom State sequel to a lot of challenges in the profession vis-à-vis the discharge of services and subsequent remuneration.

It later metamorphosed into Akwa Ibom State Nurses Forum to incorporate more Nurses working within the three (3) tiers of health care delivery system.

To further broaden its scope, the name was changed to what it’s presently called ‘NURSING AMBASSADORS OF NIGERIA (NAON)’. This cater for Nurses enrolled in nursing training institutions, newly qualified nurses, nurses in the private sector as well as nurses in the government employ within the three (3) tiers. 

To further organize the group, the leadership rested on the lead founder Nrs. Onoitem David as a caretaker committee chairman which lasted for six (6) months, this was concurrently followed by another regime of the caretaker committee as there was no congress or symposium, lasting for six (6) months led by Nrs. Unwana Ifang.

In December 2018, the first inaugural symposium was held and an interim government was inaugurated, and Nrs. Unwana Ifang was unanimously nominated to continue until congress or the symposium is reconstituted in 2019 since the symposium was to be held on a yearly basis. His leadership continues to date.

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Nursing Ambassadors of Nigeria (NAON) is a multi-specialist professional organization for nurses established on the basis of projecting and re branding the image of Nursing profession through academic advancement, professional proficiency, capacity building and innovative programmes as well as political and leadership participation using a collaborative and integrative approaches. In achieving the aims, the organization in partnership with National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives and other professional organizations monitor and evaluate member's professional performances and encourage them to strive for greatness through academic advancement and professional proficiency in order to meet the global best practices and societal expectations.

Nursing Ambassadors of Nigeria believes in activities which will bring about positive changes required in making serious advancement for the progress of our dear profession thereby making the Nursing profession more responsive to health needs of individuals, families and communities.

It is the belief of the organization that the broad interest of her members are adequately protected and well represented in the committees of contemporary professions, Employers and the public at Large. 

The organization believes that every Nurse has an ambition and a dignity to be protected and preserved, hence the need to provide a platform which will nurture this dreams to fruition.


Advancement for greatness within the committee of health care professionals to create, secure, maintain and have a complete independence, autonomous and respectable Nursing profession where global best practices and societal expectations could be promoted.


Advocating, projecting and re branding the good and noble image of Nursing profession through academic advancement, professional proficiency, capacity building and innovative programmes as well as political and leadership participation using a collaborative and integrative approaches.


The aims and objectives of the organization include but not limited to the following.

To project the image of nursing profession through Educational advancement, capacity building and responsive leadership.

To provide an avenue where members speak with one voice.

To promote the quality of Nursing education and practice.

To speak and mediate as appropriate on issues affecting members as well as the generality of Nurses.

To participate in planning, policy-making and administration of health care delivery services at all levels of Government.

To provide an avenue for the enforcement of professional discipline, constructive criticism and to reprimand erring members.

To raise the standard of the profession by emphasizing and implementing international best practices through the use of modern technique/Facilities.

To collaborate with appropriate authorities to address manpower shortage in the health care system.

To partner with other professional organizations, government, donor agencies in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals.


Nursing Ambassadors of Nigeria is an organization clearly for nurses of the evolutional and scientific century defined by mindsets and thoughts and not merely the age of practice and level of education.

Membership is open to all Nurses under Federal, State and Local Government employ as well as Industrial, Cooperate workers and Private practitioners.


However, such a Nurse must have a good history of self-dignity, moral and professional competency, advocacy ideals and a good demonstration of the needed Zest for team work and sacrifices to meet the organizational goals.


Nursing Ambassadors of Nigeria flag-off COVID-19 Intervention project on the 1st/9/2020 at University of Teaching Hospital, Uyo with the intention to lend our supports like every other pragmatic Nigerians and organizations in the fight against COVID-19 after considering the current pandemic ravaging the world and taken steps to support nurses at all levels in staying safe and flattening the curve of spread among providers and receivers of health care services.

Sequel to this, the organization randomly selected over 15 health facilities such as:

University of Uyo Teaching Hospital,

Methodist General Hospital Ituk Mbang, 

General Hospital Ikot Ekpene, 

General Hospital Etinan, 

General Hospital Oron, 

Immanuel General Hospital Eket, 

Primary Health Centre Uyo, 

Primary Health Centre Ibiono, 

Central School of Nursing Ikot Ekpene, 

Staff Clinic State Secretariat, 

Nursing Directorate Ministry of Health Uyo, 

Nursing Directorate Hospitals Management Board Uyo, 

Local Government Civil Service Commission,

to benefit from the 1st batch as we went round to donate personal protective equipment (dozens of customized face mask, cartoons of hand sanitizer).

Also, the organization make it mandatory for all her members to get a customized face mask each.

Emem Jumboh


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