Knowledge they say is power. We acquire knowledge by continuous reading, academic advancement and practice. Nurses are known to lay emphasis on improving our clinical skills (practice) but when it comes to acquiring more knowledge through reading and furthering our education, we are lagging behind. 

The importance of reading cannot be overemphasized. As a nurse, when was the last time you opened your textbooks and materials you used while in school to update your knowledge? How many of us constantly check the internet like Google for more information on a particular topic you once know. We are in a global age hence every thing keep changing. Books are being published all the time but do we read? Do we visit book sites like Amazon, Okada etc to learn more?

Some of us purchase books but do not open it. I am sure by the time we visit our personal library, the books must have been covered with dust. We want to be relevant not just to the health sector but to the society. The question is are we doing things that will earn us such honour? Other professions in the health sector like Medicine, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy etc are advancing daily because they make reading a habit. A junior or senior Reg for instance will always have reasons to read so as not to look stupid before a consultant. There are many practices and procedures that are outdated, until we read, we may never find out. 

Another way to keep updating our knowledge is through furthering our education. We should never be too comfortable with our qualification. It is in nursing you will see a senior colleague fighting other junior nurses just because they are more qualified than them. This is not right. Instead of fighting ourselves, let us channel such energy into things and actions that will move the profession forward like fighting quackery, affiliating schools of nursing to degree awarding institutions. By this, it will be easier for an RN to gain admission easily into the university. For the degree holder, your aim should be to pursue masters and so on. 

This is a call for nurses to wake up. Let us start reading and advancing academically to update our knowledge.

"I was inspired to write the book THE EXCELLENT NURSE due to the burden I had on what I could do as a nurse to enlighten the masses about the true identity of a nurse.
This book will help nurses discover who they really are and will in turn build up their morale. It will also help them identify the areas they are lagging behind and improve on them.
People who have reasons to visit hospitals/clinics will find this book beneficial as it enlightens them on their rights and build up their confidence while in the hands of nurses after knowing what nurses are trained to do.
The Excellent Nurse launches on the 19th of September 2020. You can pre-order a copy of this book at N1000. After launch date, it will start selling for N1500."

To get an e-copy of this book, click on the link to pay:
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This book is a MUST READ for everyone...
Remember to get copies for your loved ones too ( aspiring nurses, students nurses, practicing nurses and others).

                                                Beatrice Ogiemwonyi RN, RM, BNSc


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