The first year in the nursing institution as a student serve as the introductory aspect of nursing where the student acquires the basic knowledge and some skills of what the profession entails through a various course offered, this might serve as a clue to some students to make up their minds sequential to successful graduation as a NURSE and some decides before then perhaps they have a trivial insight concerning the profession. After a successful walkway from professional examination for nurses (council) conducted by Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (N&MCN), registered and licensed to practice as a nurse to which you can render health care services in varieties of facilities and units in the health care settings be it theater, hemodialysis, medical ward, surgical ward, accident, and emergency (trauma), general outpatient department (GOPD), surgical outpatient department (SOPD), pediatric wards (medical and surgical), clinical instructor, urology, orthopedic, among others thus, some nurses secure a job at different levels of government be it local, state or federal, and some private sectors or elsewhere, and others move on to further their educational carrier while others migrate to foreign countries looking for enabling environment to prosper. After securing a job some nurses confined themselves throughout the years expected to consume in the labor market due to one circumstance or the other, some enroll into the post-basic nursing program of their opinions, while others might decide to go for a bachelor's degree as for those graduated from colleges/schools of nursing (RNs) and those graduated from universities offering a degree in nursing (BNSc) might decide to run for master's degree In nursing, such as MSc. In psychiatric nursing, MSc. In medical-surgical nursing, MSc. In public health nursing, MSc. In maternal and child health, MSc. Nursing administration etcetera. Meanwhile, some are diverse to other professions such as medicine, law, security agencies to mentioned but few others enroll in entrepreneurship aligned with their job descriptions.

Furthermore, since from the genesis of the program some students might decide for carrier acceleration, to some it may follow graduation either to enroll into the post-basic nursing program of their choices or bachelor's degree in nursing for RNs and for graduates some enroll to the master's degree as highlighted above while others fail to do so even after they graduated.
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Nevertheless, some nurses focus on the areas where many had reflected their eyes upon or decided to enroll in a program within their doorsteps, for instance, nurse A enrolled in a specific program therefore, nurse B have to join the same program with A despite the varieties of programs that the profession encompassed, or your coursemate picks a particular carrier you too seem it mandatory to join the same queue with him/her not knowing that the carrier chosen by he/she developed a passion over it already, instead of you to select the best carrier of your choice and be passionate about it rather than sticking to the selfsame carrier; the nursing profession is very wide with varieties of specialties for nurses recommended by N&MCN includes: •Ophthomic nursing •Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) •Critical care nursing •Accident and emergency (A&E) •Orthopaedic nursing •Burns and plastic nursing •Psychiatric nursing •Peadiatric nursing •Perioperative nursing •Public health nursing •Anesthetic nursing •Cardiothoracic nursing •Nursing education includes Nursing, Midwifery, Psychiatric, and Public health •Dental nursing •Post basic midwifery (for nurses) •Nephrology nursing •Occupational health nursing •Oncology nursing •Post basic nursing (for midwives)

Despite the fact that the council has taken measures for the post-basic programs to be updated to post-graduate degrees in a few years to come. In the view of the foregoing, their specialties that are very prominent among the aforementioned and others are nearly dull when it comes to other people's interest despite the value and honor attached to those disciplines; for registered midwives, they have to undergo 18 months post-basic nursing program before undergoing other post-basic nursing programs as listed above with exception of diploma midwifery education. At times we facsimile others without being conscious of other perspectives; It's very vital for people conjoined by a profession like nursing to dissimilate into various aspects rather than being accumulated and restrained in one thus, diversification is paramount crucial when it comes to professionalism and achieving professional goals. For RNs if you choose to move on with a bachelor's degree in nursing (BNSc) they're several universities in this country offering a degree in nursing some of which you can secure admission via JAMB/UTME and direct entry (DE), among the universities includes: •Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (ABU) •Usman Danfodio University, Sokoto (UDUS) •Bayero university Kano (BUK) •University of Ibadan •Federal University, Birnin Kebbi (FUBK) •University of Maiduguri (UNIMAD) •University of Lagos (UNILAG) •University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN), Enugu •University of Jos (UNIJOS) Plateau •University of Illorin (UNILORIN) •Department of Nursing Science, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun state, etcetera For distance learning includes: •National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) for Registered Nurses only •Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, a distance Learning center for Registered Nurses only. Conclusively, it's very crucial for a nurse or potential nurse to know the best carrier to pursue his/her educational background depending upon the area he/she wishes to partake in; they're numerous cadres that nursing profession is lacking professionals rather than uniting yourselves in one place, at least metamorphose and appear differently. However, more graduates such BNSc. holders, MSc. Holders, Ph.D. Holders and professors are paramount crucial to the development of the profession and professionalism. Besides, the multitude of specialties can't make one DEGREE. Nurses have trained academically, morally with discipline and integrity to surpass respect, genuineness, and rapport not merely on patients but to all, nurses provide health care services in respect to the care of individuals, families, and community be it healthy or sick through health promotion, health restoration, alleviation of suffering and prevention of illness.

Nurse Abdullahi Musa Dedicated to all Nurses and Midwives.

image: Soundview magazine


  1. This is commendable
    Kudus to you sir

  2. This is very impressed, wish you more knowledge and ability to write more and more on Nursing profession.

    Your writeup is not yet justify I wish next article you justify it


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