WORLD KIDNEY DAY 2022

World kidney day was started by the joint committee of the International Society of Nephrology and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations, aimed at raising awareness on the importance of kidneys and reducing the likelihood of developing kidney diseases looking at the people living with chronic kidney disease (CKD) worldwide. The world kidney is celebrated every year on 10 March.

The kidney is one of the vital organs in the human body, they're two in number responsible for

maintaining body equilibrium. The kidney is reddish-brown in color, bean-shaped in nature located

in the abdominal cavity behind the peritoneum one on either side of the lumbar region, the right one is

slightly lower than the left one because of the space occupied by the liver.

The kidney and other vital organs like the liver, heart, lungs, and brain work in synergy to maintain

the body's normal physiologic functions. The effect on one of these organs may lead to the effect of


However, the functions of kidneys are enormous ranging from urine production, maintaining fluid

and electrolyte balance, acid_base balance, release the hormone that controls blood pressure (renin),

waste removal and production of red blood cells through erythropoietin but these functions might

be deficient when there's less fluid intake that is why it is encouraged for individuals whether ill or

healthy to take more water even without the intake of food.

Furthermore, to maintain healthy kidney and optimal health status of the body the following are to

be observed:

• Intake of water not only when you eat food

• Exercise

• Monitor blood pressure from time to time and adhere to treatment regime when diagnosed with blood


• Monitor blood sugar level from time to time and adhere to treatment regime when diagnosed with

diabetic Mellitus

• Taking of fruit and vegetable in your diet

• Taking of food high in cholesterol, sugar, and salt in moderation

• Regular medical check-up

Consequently, It is expected for an individual to take the water of about 1.5 liters (1,500ml), 2 liter

(2,000ml), to 3 liters (3,000ml) or more daily. Although the intake of fluid may be increased by

activities, the nature of food consumed, and also change environment like in summer where the body

loses a lot of fluid via urination, sweat, and defecation. Drinking more fluid for healthy kidneys and

overall health status to reduce the risk of kidney diseases e.g kidney failure.

#World Kidney Day 2022.

Nr. Abdullahi Musa.


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#Education: LAUTECH Upgrades Nursing Department to Faculty of Nursing Sciences