There are various routes by which an individual counteract disease either direct or indirect contact with an infectious agent; however, numerous people are battling with some health ailments in one way or the other but this article is strictly restricted to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), treatment and prevention. STIs affect both males and females and spread from one person to another through intimate sexual contact, multiple sex partners, and unprotected sex. Others may Include contact with body fluids of the person harboring the infection such as blood, sweat, and saliva e.g Hepatitis B; other contributory factors are the use of the public toilet, lack of hygiene, and use of harmful substances through the vagina or areas in proximity to it, among others.

STIs includes:

• Gonorrhea

• Syphilis

• Chlamydia

• Human papilloma virus

• Candidiasis

• Hepatitis e.g A, B, C, D & E, but B and C are the most common while C is the most dangerous; yet not a vaccine for it


• Trichomoniasis

• Human papilloma virus, etcetera

STIs are caused by different pathogenic micro_organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Treatment encloses the use of antibiotics, antifungal and antiviral for those that are caused by viral alongside other drugs.

However, research has shown that some natural foods have antimicrobial ingredients that help in fighting and killing microbes that cause sexually transmitted infections (STIs), they include:

1. Garlic (Tafarnuwa): it contains antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties and also contains allicin acid which interferes with the growth of micro_organisms and also kills microbes. Two (2) bulbs of garlic can be taken daily.

2. Moringa (Zogale): it contains antibacterial chemical ingredients that fight STIs; in Germany, it is recommended as the best antimicrobial food. It can be taken when cooked.

3. Coconut oil (Man kwakwar ruwa): it contains bacterial and antifungal ingredients and also contains lauric acid which inhibits the growth of microbes. It is also good for skin sensitivity and smoothness.

4. Ginger (Citta): it contains antimicrobial ingredients that are good for respiratory infections such as common cold and periodontal infections (infections of the mouth e.g gingivitis i.e inflammation of the gum). It can be taken via tea or other means.

5. Row pure honey (Zuma marar hadi): it is a complex antimicrobial product, which inhibits the growth of micro_organisms and kills microbes, as far as the pure product is not mixed with other products. Also, it's a very good ingredient that promotes wound healing, it can be used by medical professionals in dressing the wound of a client as it facilitates healing. It can also be taken through the mouth.

6. Cabbage: it contains antibacterial chemical ingredients that combat the growth of micro_organisms; it has also been used as a cancer inhibitor and proactive agent against radiation exposure. Moreover, cabbage serves as a laxative in case of constipation (unable to pass face or passing hard, dry, and woody face) as well it softens the feces. Cabbage, can be taken alone or with a meal cooked or uncooked.

The fore listed natural foods help in interfering with the growth of micro_organisms more so, killing those that cause sexually transmitted infections like Neisseria gonorrhoeae, treponema pallidum, candida Albicans, etc.

Furthermore, the reader and someone who once contacted STI wants to know if there is a tendency of reoccurrence even after one is treated or what actually leads to reoccurrence?

Yes, some experience reoccurrence after treating the infection precisely females, this is associated with the use of herbs and other harmful substances via the vagina in an attempt for sexual satisfaction between the couples, as they have negative impacts to the health, while some are due to failure of both the wife and the husband to be diagnosed and received appropriate treatment when one is infected, other factors are multiple sexes, unprotected sex and non-adherence to treatment regime.

Similarly, in some cases that have to do with reproductive health, some people couldn't find it easy to open off, seek knowledge and receive proper health services when needed due to one reason or the other. Notwithstanding, it's just a myth and misconception; even Islamically the mandate is given to us to seek knowledge. So, feel free, to unveil the shyness in you and seeking for knowledge. My dear mothers, sisters, and brothers open off whenever the need arises, allows thus, reproductive health is one of the crucial aspects in life; deficits or faulty might yield bad results sooner or later.

Remember, reproductive health encompasses health and wellbeing in respect to the reproductive system and beyond; suitable reproductive health services may bring about a healthy reproductive system and healthy reproduction consequently, no reproductive system no reproduction (giving birth to an offspring(s).

At this point, the reader is eager to reach the end of this write-up despite its importance.

But before then, I would like to conclude it with some hints on how to prevent oneself from contracting these infections, as follows:

• Avoid sexual intercourse out of marriage

• Avoid multiple sex partners

• Contact medical professionals when you experience some signs of STIs such as urinating with blood, painful urination, abnormal discharge from vagina or penis, rashes around the genital part (vagina and penile), change in menstrual pattern/flow, painful menstruation, or intercourse.

• Include the above natural foods into your menu plan

• Use of condom, male or female

• Abstinence

• Both the couple should be diagnosed and treated when one is infected

• Adhere to the treatment regime, when infected

• Avoid insertion of dangerous substances into the vagina

• Vaccination against preventable ones such as Hepatitis B and Human papillomavirus (HPV)

• Shun douching

• Personal hygiene such as hand washing

• Toilet and utensils hygienes

• Disregard washing your vagina or other private parts with soap, use only planned water

• Avoid using perfume into the vagina and its surroundings

• Parents should educate their children or teenagers on the danger of early sex

• Cleaning should be from back upward after defecation, especially females

• Make your children aware of some important issues related to their reproductive health

 Nurse Abdullahi Musa.


  1. I am from USA. I was suffering from HEPATITIS B for over 3 years, i was hopeless until one of my friend directed me to a herbal DR. Dr Chike on Youtube, she said the Dr has herbal medicine that treat HEPATITIS B also said the Dr has helped people with. HERPES, CANCER, DIABETES, HPV, HERPES, HSV 1 .2, Fever, Fibromyalgia, Fatigue and chronic pains. At first I never believed her but after a lot of talk. I decided to contact him, just few days ago i contacted him and he told me what to do which i did and he sent to me a herbal medicine via {DHL} with prescriptions on how i will take it for a period of days. After i finished taking the medicine for 2 weeks he told me to go for a test which i also did and when the result came out i was surprised to see that i am negative. I am proud to tell you that I am the happiest person on earth. Big thanks to Dr Chike herbs .. I pray you find a solution in him. For more information on how to get treated Contact Dr on WhatsApp . +233502715551, or Facebook page, @ Dr Chike Herbal Remedy.


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