Training of Desk Officers on Processes of Nursing and Midwifery Web-Based Portal

Training of Desk Officers on Processes of Nursing and Midwifery Web-Based Portal The Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria is organizing a two-day training program on the processes/operations of the Council’s web-based portal for FOCAL Persons/Desk Officers of Nursing and Midwifery Institutions and Hospitals in Nigeria. This is to update the knowledge of the School’s Desk officers and train the desk officers in clinical areas on some of the Council’s services that will be done online. These services include; Indexing, Examination applications, Registration, Professional Update Form (PUF) as well as payment on remita platform. In view of this, you are to nominate and sponsor 2 officers, which are Nurses as a focal person/Desk Officer from your institution to a two-day training program on the operations of the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria web-based portals. The officers nominated must be computer literate The training for all the nominated desk officers is sche...