Nurses and Midwives are the hands and feet of quality healthcare - WHO Director-General.

Singapore - Below is the remark of Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyes, Director - General World Health Organisation ( WHO) at the International Council of Nurses (ICN) 2019 Congress at Singapore Nurses and midwives make up almost half of the world’s health workforce. They are important not just because of their numbers, but because of the vast range of health services they provide. They are the hands and feet of delivering safe, effective, respectful and quality care. We can have the best medicines, the best diagnostics, the best hospitals and the best health insurance, but if we don’t have Health Workers delivering safe, effective, people-centred care, we don’t have a health system. Health Workers are not a cost, they’re an investment – an investment that pays a triple return for health, gender equality and economic growth. Together, we can ensure that nurses and midwives get the education, the training, the jobs, the conditions, the opportunities, the dignity an...